Russian phrasebook
Phrases with audio and video to speak Russian
Start speaking Russian today: Our online phrasebook with audio and video includes useful phrases that will help you have your first conversation in Russian.
1. Communication
Do you want to say your first words in Russian? Hello, bye, repeat please, my name is...
2. Tourists
Useful phrases when you are a tourist and also when you speak to a Russian speaking tourist.
3. Basic vocabulary
Essential words and phrases when learning Russian: the numbers, colours, days of the week, ...
4. Two basic Russian courses
If this phrasebook is not enough and want to learn more, try these two courses and start learning real Russian.
How to read Russian
Learn to read in just 7 lessons. With audio and pronunciation exercises.
Course: How to read Russian
Level: Beginner
Lessons: 7 (with audio)
Basic Russian course
Method to learn Russian from zero, with audio and dialogues.
Course: Basic Russian course
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Lessons: 14 (with audio)
5. Russian vocabulary on football
In order to commemorate the 2018 Football World Cup in Russia, we have created this section with phrases and words related to football.
6. Vocabulary videos
You can choose below what you can to learn, since each video contains vocabulary related to a single topic. You can see these and more videos in our section of Russian vocabulary videos.
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