Russian vocabulary on football
FIFA Football World Cup 2018 in Russia

Phrases and advanced vocabulary

Do you like football? Do you want to learn Russian vocabulary about this sport? We have taken advantage of the celebration of the 2018 Football World Cup in Russia to create this list of useful words.

Basic phrases during a match

Basic phrases during a match

The emotion of football is an international feeling. Let's learn phrases in Russian that you can say, or shout, during a match.


Кто выи́грывает?
kto vy-íg-ry-va-yet
Who's winning?

Я боле́ю за...
ya ba-lyé-yu za...
My team is...

Вот э́то пена́льти!
vot é-ta pye-nál-ti
That was a penalty!

Он не уме́ет игра́ть
on nye u-myé-yet ig-rát
He has no idea how to play

Да́же я тако́й гол забью́!
dá-zhe ya ta-kóy gol za-byú
Even I can make that goal

Он оди́н!
on a-dín
He's open!

Како́й счёт?
ka-kóy schyót
What's the score?

Как отби́л!
kak at-bíl
What a save!

Кака́я игра́!
ka-ká-ya ig-rá
What a play!

What a shame!

Vocabulary for real football fans

Vocabulary for real football fans

If you are the number one football fan, here is some advanced vocabulary to surprise everyone with your knowledge, not only football, but also Russian.

пра́вило преиму́щества
prá-vi-la pye-i-mú-schyest-va
the advantage rule

персона́льная опе́ка
pyer-so-nál-na-ya a-pyé-ka
man-to-man defense

неспорти́вное поведе́ние
nye-spar-tív-na-ye pa-vye-dyé-ni-ye
unsportsmanlike behaviour

уда́р "но́жницами"
u-dár nózh-ni-tsa-mi
bicycle kick

пас пя́ткой
u-dár pyát-kay

спо́рный мяч
spór-nyi myach
drop ball

припаркова́ть авто́бус
pri-par-ka-vát af-tó-bus
park the bus

гру́ппа сме́рти
grúp-pa smyér-ti
group of death

рука́ Бо́га
ru-ká bó-ga
hand of God

hat trick

уда́р голово́й
u-dár ga-la-vóy

жонгли́рование мячо́м
zhan-glí-ra-va-ni-ye mye-chóm
keepie uppie


ме́жду ног
myézh-du nók

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