Russian for adoptive parents
We've created this online phrasebook for people who have adopted a child from a Russian speaking country. Knowing some Russian will make your life easier and your child will feel more relaxed in their new life. Below you'll find different topics. Each one has a list of useful phrases in Russian with audio.
First days
Phrases that you'll use at the beginning
First meeting
You have just met your child and you want to say hello, your name, etc.
We love you
Important words to tell your child any time: You're going to live happy and loved.
We are going home
Explain your child that you're going to live together in a different country.
Showing your home
First day at home. You'll show the parts of the house and your child's bedroom.
Friends and family
Your friends and family will visit you. Learn how to introduce them to your child.
Everyday life
Phrases that you'll use in specific situations
Time to eat
Do you want to eat? do you like it? what do you want for lunch? Learn this and more here.
Doctor / health
Your child's heath is very important. Learn how to ask where it hurts and more.
Your child wants to play and have fun. Learn here useful words about playing.
It may happen: you have to tell off your child and explain what's right and wrong.
Bedtime / waking up
You'll be using these phrases every night and every morning.
More Russian
Phrases that you'll use all the time
Basic useful phrases
You'll need them: "What is this?", "I don't understand", "please",etc.
Learn how to count in Russian from 0 to 100. You'll use it very often.
Time expressions
Now, later, never, always,.. Learn this and also: days of week and months.
Colours and shapes
Life is full of colours and you'll need to know how to say them in Russian.
Two basic Russian courses
If you want to learn more Russian, you can visit our free courses:
How to read Russian
Learn to read in just 7 lessons. With audio and pronunciation exercises.
Course: How to read Russian
Level: Beginner
Lessons: 7 (with audio)
Basic Russian course
Method to learn Russian from zero, with audio and dialogues.
Course: How to read Russian
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Lessons: 14 (with audio)
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