Russian for parents
Russian vocabulary for children and adoptive parents

Playing - Are you having fun?

Children always want to play, so... let's play! The following words and phrases will help you explain when it's time to play and when it's time to go back home. You'll also learn to use phrases that you should know like: "you can't play here" and "this is not a toy".

Дава́й игра́ть
da-váj i-grát
Let's play

Хо́чешь игра́ть?
hó-chyesh i-grát?
Do you want to play?

Сейча́с нельзя́ игра́ть
syej-chás nyel-zyá i-grát
Now you can't play

Па́па/Ма́ма не мо́жет игра́ть с тобо́й
pá-pa/má-ma nye mó-zhet i-grát s ta-bój
Dad/mom can't play with you

Не лома́й игру́шки
nye la-máj i-grúsh-ki
Don't break the toys

Здесь нельзя́ игра́ть
zdyes nyel-zyá i-grát
Here you can't play

Э́то не игру́шка
é-ta nye i-grúsh-ka
This is not a toy

Do you want to learn Russian? Useful links:

· Learn how to read Russian with our reading course.
· Learn Russian with our basic Russian course.

Тебе́ ве́село?
tye-byé vyé-sye-la?
Are you having fun?

Тебе́ ску́чно?
tye-byé skúch-na?
Are you bored?

Хо́чешь пригласи́ть дру́га / подру́гу?
hó-chyesh pri-gla-sít drú-ga / pa-drú-gu?
Do you want to invite a friend?
Different genders: пригласить друга = invite a male friend, пригласить подргург = invite a female friend

Пойдём игра́ть в парк
paj-dyóm i-grát f park
Let's go play at the park

Осторо́жно! Э́то опа́сно
as-ta-rózh-na! é-ta a-pás-na
Be careful! This is dangerous
Different genders: устал = tired (masculine), устала = tired (feminine)

Ты уста́л? / Ты уста́ла?
ty us-tál? / ty us-tá-la?
Are you tired?

Ещё пять мину́т и домо́й
ye-schyó pyat mi-nút i da-mój
Five minutes more and we go home

Пора́ домо́й
pa-rá da-mój
It's time to go home

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doll, puppet




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