15 Russian words in 90 seconds
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This time you're going to learn the name of different pieces of clothing, so you can dress from head to toes

Do you want to learn useful Russian words? Then watch our vocabulary videos. This time you're going to learn the name of different pieces of clothing, so you can dress from head to toes.
The topic of this video is: clothes
- одежда: clothes
- пальто: coat
- куртка: jacket
- рубашка: shirt
- футболка: t-shirt
- нижнее бельё: underwear
- носки: socks
- брюки: trousers
- джинсы: jeans
- юбка: skirt
- платье: dress
- костюм: suit
- ремень: belt
- обувь: shoes
- шляпа: hat
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