Russian phrasebook
Phrases in Russian with audio and video
There are many things going on in a shop: we see something we like, we try to find a different colour or size, we try it on, we ask for something, we go to pay... you can be shopping in Russia or it can be a Russian coming to your shop. In both cases you'll know what to ask and what to answer. You only have to listen to the audio carefully and learn those phrases you consider most useful:
Part 1: Video
Summary of this topic with images and sound:
Watch the most important words and phrases of this topic below.
Useful phrases when you are the client:
Useful phrases when you talk to a client:
Part 2: Audio and explanations
Listen to the audio, read the explanations and get ready to learn real Russian.

Can I help you?
It doesn't matter how the shop looks like (big or small, in a nice shopping centre or in a small narrow street), there's a phrase you'll always hear: "Can I help you?". Let's start with this and then see other related sentences:
Здра́вствуйте. Вам помо́чь?
zdrást-vuj-tye. vam pa-móch?
Hello, can I help you?
Нет, спаси́бо.
nyet, spa-sí-ba
No, thank you.
Да, пожа́луйста.
da, pa-zhá-lus-ta
Yes, please.
Мо́жно э́то посмотре́ть?
mózh-na é-ta pas-ma-tryét?
Can I see that?
У вас есть...?
u vas yest...?
Do you have...?
Извини́те, у нас э́того нет.
iz-vi-ní-tye, u nas é-ta-va nyet
Sorry, we don't have that.
Ско́лько э́то сто́ит?
skól-ka é-ta stó-it?
How much is it?
Э́то сто́ит...
é-ta stó-it...
This costs...

Where can I try it on?
With a bit of imagination you can gesture to express "where can I try it on?". Hopefully they'll understand you. But it gets complicated if you want to say "do you have a different colour?". Don't worry, here you'll learn to say it:
Вы хоти́те это приме́рить?
vy ha-tí-tye é-ta pri-myé-rit?
Would you like to try it on?
Мо́жно это приме́рить? Где?
mózh-na é-ta pri-myé-rit? gdye?
Can I try it on? Where?
Вы хоти́те друго́й разме́р / цвет?
vy ha-tí-tye dru-gój raz-myér? / tsvyet?
Would you like a different size / colour?
У вас есть друго́й разме́р / цвет?
u vas yest dru-gój raz-myér / tsvyet?
Do you have a different size / colour?
Вы хоти́те разме́р побо́льше / поме́ньше?
vy ha-tí-tye raz-myér pa-ból-she / pa-myén-she?
Would you like a bigger / smaller size?
Я хочу́ разме́р побо́льше / поме́ньше.
ya ha-chú raz-myér pa-ból-she / pa-myén-she
I want a bigger / smaller size.

I like it / I don't like it
It's the moment to make a decision: Do you like it or not? As you can see in the list below, we don't mention anything about payments. We have a section on paying where we talk about money, paying and even bargaining over prices:
Вам нра́вится?
vam nrá-vi-tsa?
Do you like it?
Мне нра́вится / Мне не нра́вится.
mnye nrá-vi-tsa / mnye nye nrá-vi-tsa
I like it / I don't like it.
Вы э́то берёте?
vy é-ta bye-ryó-tye?
Are you taking this?
Я беру́ э́то.
ya bye-rú é-ta
I'm taking this.
Э́то на пода́рок?
é-ta na pa-dá-rak?
Is it for a present?
Мо́жно упакова́ть как пода́рок?
mózh-na u-pa-ka-vát kak pa-dá-rak?
Could you gift-wrap it, please?
Вы хоти́те э́то верну́ть?
vy ha-tí-tye é-ta vyer-nút?
Would you like to return this?
Я хочу́ э́то верну́ть.
ya ha-chú é-ta vyer-nút
I want to return this.
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